Kostenloser SHL-Übungstest

Auf dieser Seite stellen wir Ihnen einen kostenlosen Übungstest im Stil von SHL zur Verfügung. Von den häufigsten Testarten der SHL Assessments haben wir je eine Frage ausgewählt. Alle Aufgaben sind den originalen SHL-Testformaten nachempfunden und stammen aus unserem SHL PrepPack™.

Non-verbales Schlussfolgern (Verify G+)

Choose the image that completes the pattern






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The correct answer is Option B.

For every edge shared by two triangles, the arrows from both of its sides mirror one another.

Numerisches Schlussfolgern (Numerical Reasoning)

Für diese Aufgabe dürfen Sie einen Taschenrechner nutzen!

Between which two months was there the smallest proportional increase or decrease in the mileage of Surveyor 1 in comparison to the previous month?






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The correct answer is: D) »Months 4 and 5«.

To determine the rate of increase or decrease between two values, use this formula:

(New value − Old value) ÷ Old value

In this case the sign (negative or positive) only indicates a decrease or an increase respectively, and does not affect the number's value:

  • A result of a negative sign indicates a decrease.
  • A result of a positive sign indicates an increase.

Therefore, the rate of increase or decrease between two months will be calculated as:

(Mileage in current month − Mileage in previous month) ÷ Mileage in previous month

Between months 1 and 2:
(3,256 − 2,675) ÷ 2,675 = 0.217 = 21.7% ⇒ between months 1 and 2 there was an increase of 21.7%

Between months 2 and 3:
(1,890 − 3,256) ÷ 3,256 = −0.419 = −41.9% ⇒ between months 2 and 3 there was a decrease of 41.9%

Between months 3 and 4:
(3,892 − 1,890) ÷ 1,890 = 1.059 = 105.9% ⇒ between months 3 and 4 there was an increase of 105.9%

Between months 4 and 5:
(3,401 − 3,892) ÷ 3,892 = −0.126 = −12.6% ⇒ between months 4 and 5 there was a decrease of 12.6%

Since the question asks for the smallest increase OR decrease (without differentiating an increase from a decrease), you can ignore the negative signs where they appear and relates to all values as absolute values:

12.6% < 21.7% < 41.9% < 105.9%

As can be seen 12.6% is the smallest value.

Berechnung (Calculation)

Können Sie diese Aufgabe in 18 Sekunden lösen?

? ÷ 2 = 187






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The correct answer is: B) 374.

By multiplying 187 by 2, you get the answer 374:

187 × 2 = 374

To answer this question quickly, you only need to multiply the unit digit, 7. By multiplying 7 by 2, you get 14, meaning that the unit digit of the answer must be 4.

Therefore, b | 374 is the only suitable answer.

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Die Aufgaben in diesem Übungstest entsprechen dem Einstiegsniveau der SHL-Tests. Diese Tests werden jedoch im Fortlauf immer anspruchsvoller. Vollständige Übungstests mit allen Schwierigkeitsgraden finden Sie in unserem SHL PrepPack™.

Deduktion (Deductive Reasoning)

A sportswear store offers various brands of shoes for sale. Each salesperson in the store receives a base salary of 80 Euros per workday and can receive an additional bonus based on sales made. For certain types of sales, a special tax deduction from the salesperson's paycheck is made, as follows:

  • All sales above 155 €.
  • All sales above 90 €, paid with a credit card.
  • All sales paid with Bitcoins.

Which of the sales below is subjected to tax deduction?






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The correct answer is: D) »€72, paid with Bitcoins«.

It is the only answer that meets the criteria written above; all sales paid with Bitcoins are prone to a special tax deduction. Therefore, a €72 sale paid with Bitcoins is included.

Note that a €90 sale paid with a credit card is not the correct answer since the rule refers to all sales above €90 paid with a credit card.

Figurenfolge (Next In Series)

Welche Figur setzt diese Reihe korrekt fort?






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The correct answer is Option A. 

This series consists of two alternating patterns:

  1. The odd objects consist of a square with three '+' signs in one of its corners. In each step, the '+' signs move one corner clockwise.
  2. The even objects consist of a square with two '+' signs in one of its corners and another '+' sign in the next corner clockwise. In each step, all '+' signs move one corner clockwise. 

The missing object is the 6th object in the series, thus it should follow the 2nd pattern. This allows us to quickly eliminate answer options (2) and (4). We also know that according to the 2nd pattern, the two '+' signs should move to the bottom-right corner and the single '+' should move to the bottom-left corner.

Leseverständnis (Reading Comprehension)

Lesen Sie den folgenden Text:

Admittedly, absolute numbers of committed forces per nation in NATO are seen by some as presenting an unfair comparison. Some analysts say that percentages of population and the gross domestic product are a far better assessment. If the fact that the world’s largest collective GDP can’t handle the task is not enough, let’s take a look at the nations involved. French defence budget is 1.8 percent of GDP, the British is 2.2 percent, the U.S. is 4 percent, a lot more than the 1.2 percent of Germany.

Which country has the highest defense budget, as percent of its GDP?





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The correct answer is: D) U.S.A.

We can see the passage mentions that: »[the] French defense budget is 1.8 percent of GDP, the British is 2.2 percent, the U.S. is 4 percent, a lot more than Germany’s 1.2 percent.« Out of all the countries mentioned in the answers, the U.S has the highest budget as a percentage of its GDP – 4% – compared to 1.2%-2.2% in the other countries.

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  • Extraübungen ermöglichen Ihnen, gezielt einzelne Kompetenzen zu stärken.

Verbales Schlussfolgern (Verbal Reasoning)

Lesen Sie den folgenden Text und bewerten Sie die Aussage am Ende des Textes.

There are several possible reasons behind the participation in professional trade fairs - it can be an excellent sales platform providing an exposure to relevant customers and distributors as it is one of those rare occasions where customers actively seek specific products; it can be an image building expenditure aiming at strengthening a company's profile within a sector by showing novel products and a lucrative stall design; and it can be a good way to gauge your competition by accessing vital information about other products and to generally assess the direction the sector is heading. Trade fairs are extremely expensive especially as there are a number of important ones to attend every year globally and this often creates a financial burden on the minor "players". In many occasions the direct business impact does not seem to justify the enormous costs but as one senior manufacturer recently said "if you're not there you don't exist". 

Minor players may benefit from attending professional trade fairs.




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The answer is: »True«.

Two instances in the passage prove this statement true.

1. »this often creates a financial burden on the minor ›players‹«. It often creates, but not always.

2. »but as one senior manufacturer recently said: ›if you're not there you don't exist‹.« There is another benefit in participating in these fairs, which is simple recognition or awareness of existence.

Mechanisches Schlussfolgern (Mechanical Reasoning)

How many pulleys are turning counterclockwise?





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The correct answer is A.

To solve such problems, first, identify the belt's direction before and after each of the pulleys, based on the given information. The figure below shows the intuitive direction of the belt.

Now consider one pulley and its connected belt regions individually and decide whether it's clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. In the figure shown above, Pulley D must turn clockwise to support the direction of the belt, whereas pulley E must turn counterclockwise to support the direction of the belt. The rotation types for all the pulleys are shown in the figure below:

Since two pulleys rotate counterclockwise, choice A is correct, and B, C, and D cannot be correct.

Überprüfen (Checking Test)

Sie haben 5 Sekunden Zeit!


Wählen Sie die korrekte Wiederholung dieser Zahlenreihe.






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The correct answer is (D)

Übung macht den Meister! 

Eine gründliche Vorbereitung auf Ihr Assessment kann Ihren Erfolg deutlich erhöhen:

  • Keine bösen Überraschungen: Sie wissen, was auf Sie zukommt.
  • Selbstbewusstes Auftreten: Sie haben die nötigen Fähigkeiten trainiert.
  • Erfolg: Sie haben effektive Problemlösungsstrategien zur Hand.
  • Weniger Stress: Sie sind mit Rahmenbedingungen wie Zeitlimits und Testaufbau vertraut.

Induktives Schlussfolgern (Complete The Pattern)

Choose the image that completes the pattern






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The correct answer is: 

The required reasoning is that we are exposed to a partial “Sudoku”-like pattern: no texture can repeat itself in the same column.
Only three of four textures are revealed. However, according to the Sudoku reasoning, if we try to locate the fourth pattern instead of the question mark, we shall find it impossible, since it is obligated that the fourth pattern should appear in the same column in the upper row.
Therefore, the correct answer must be the pattern revealed already that doesn’t appear yet in the bottom row – the fourth option from the left.

Alternative explanation: there are two variables in this matrix: the pattern and location of the blocks. Since the location is hard to decipher due to inadequate information, we result to the patterns of the blocks. It is easy to see that each pattern seems to appear twice in the matrix, therefore the correct answer is 4.

General Ability (Verify General)

There are 6 sections in the supermarket: Dairy, Produce, Bakery, Meat, Deli, Frozen.

The bakery section is larger than the deli and smaller than the dairy section. The meat section is the 4th largest section, and the frozen section is smaller than the produce section and bigger than the dairy section.

Sort the supermarket's sections by size (from biggest to largest).






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The question asks you to sort six supermarket sections by their size. Let’s break down the statements first, step by step:

First, start with a fixed-order statement.
The Meat section is going to be 4th on the list.

As there are no other statements referring to the Meat sections that you can break down, you should start inspecting the other statements.

Second, organize the relevant information into lists:

The Dairy section appears in both statements, meaning you can combine them to one list:

Adding the statement regarding the Meat section, the final order would be:

Persönlichkeitstest (OPQ 32)

Choose which statement is most true or typical of you and which is least like you:




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Most Like Me

Recommended Statement: »I am invested in others' wellbeing.« 

A key aspect of a manager’s role is to support the well-being of his/her team. Employee well-being and strong performance go hand-in-hand and managers are well placed to positively influence this. The Caring Dimension is one to allocate at least a high average number of points to.



Recommended Statement: »I feel very hopeful about the good things to come.«

A secondary important issue is creating an atmosphere of positivity and optimism. Workplace optimism forges a creative and engaged team climate, a sense that team members can make a positive difference plus it inspires the resilience to persevere despite difficulties and barriers.


Least Like Me

Recommended Statement: »I aspire to be ‘Number One’.« 

Personal achievement and career progression are worthy individual goals. If being No 1 becomes central to all workplace behaviours, organizational goals and progress can be compromised. High scores on these factors are thus not seen as desirable manager qualities.

In einem Persönlichkeitstest ist keine Antwort per se richtig oder falsch. Allerdings passen bestimmte Verhaltensweisen zu einigen Job-Profilen besser als zu anderen. Ihr Persönlichkeitstyp ergibt sich jedoch nicht aus einer Antwort auf eine einzige Frage, sondern wird aus sehr vielen Antworten mit entsprechender Gewichtung und Kontextualisierung abgeleitet. 

  • In unserem SHL PrepPack™ bieten wir Ihnen einen vollständigen Übungstest für den SHL OPQ 32.
  • Erklärungen zu jeder Frage zeigen Ihnen, wie Ihre Antworten interpretiert werden.
  • 6 Job-Profile: Wählen Sie aus aus, für welche Position Ihr Test ausgewertet werden soll.
  • OPQ Interview Guide: unser umfassender Ratgeber für alles Wissenswerte rund um den OPQ 32.